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[K-Book Trends] 나의 시간은 너의 시간과 같지 않다My Time Does Not Flow Like Yours

by 세로북스 2023. 12. 4.

한국출판문화원의 웹진 <K-Book Trends>에 세로북스 신간 <나의 시간은 너의 시간과 같지 않다>가 New Book으로 소개되었습니다. 이 잡지는 해외 출판 관계자들을 대상으로 하는 영문 웹진으로서 눈에 띄는 국내개발도서를 카드뉴스 형식으로 소개하고 있습니다.

Professor Kim Chan-Ju’s Solitary Physics: Special Relativity - My Time Does Not Flow Like Yours

The Special Theory of Relativity: A theory that overturns common sense and empirical notions of time and space. It is based on the principle of special relativity and the constancy of the speed of light.“Why should I know this?” It is what we all think when we confront Einstein’s “Special Theory of Relativity,” which makes our heads ache just thinking about it!
But did you know that the theory is the “core theory” that enabled modern material civilization? It was this special relativity that influenced much of the philosophy, literature, and art that we encounter in our daily lives!
If special relativity is still a bit of a mystery to you, you should definitely read this book. It is written in a simple and friendly way so that anyone without special knowledge can understand it!

“Special relativity is a magical theory. (…) If you ever have a moment where you get even a 1% glimpse of what it means, you will never forget that feeling.” - from the book

It is a book that walks you through the whole experience of thinking like a physicist. Understand special relativity, and you will never see the world the way you used to!

Understanding the world through science <My Time Does Not Flow Like Yours> Written by Kim Chan-Ju, published by Serobooks.

*아래 링크 클릭하시면 카드 뉴스 전체를 보실 수 있습니다.



K-Book Trends - My Time Does Not Flow Like Yours

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